We get a lot of questions every year about raising ducks, here are some common ones with our short answers.
Do ducks need a pond? No. The need water deep enough to submerge their entire head, so they can clean out their nares, ears and eyes. Regular bathing water, such as a dog pool or mixing tub, keeps their feathers in good condition. But if you ask the ducks...
Can you eat duck eggs? Yes. Some people have egg allergies. Duck eggs are preferred by many bakers for pasties and desserts.
I put my ducklings out on the pond and they were missing the next morning, what do you think happened? Ducklings do not have the outer shell of protective feathers to shield them from the chill of the water. They get cold and drown. This can happen in deep water bowls or pools too.
Can ducks get lice? Yes. They can get mites and ticks too. As well as internal parasites, bacterial infections, fungal infections and pneumonia.
Are ducks friendly? They can be, it depends on the bird. Hand raised waterfowl tend to be friendlier and some breeds, such as call ducks, have a predisposition for it.
How do you tell the difference between the male and female? The male duck from mallard-type breeds has a curly tail most of the year and makes a raspy sound. The hens have a loud quack, the sound usually associated with ducks, and after maturity lay eggs.